Saturday, November 29, 2008

Still sick.

I ventured upstairs to get a gallon of OJ and to see if maybe I am feeling better...

Yeah, not really.

I want to write about my Thanksgiving, I have a "wish list" type post I want to use to get myself worked into my normal holiday frenzy, I want to take pictures of the atrocities that my in-laws have bestowed upon us to answer a call in my sister's post, I want to call my sister and hear all the horrificly annoying things my Dad has done and said during this visit. But no, I am going to post this paragraph and go back to bed.


Penny said...

sucky. I'm sorry, I know you guys usually like to watch the game...

We are meeting Dad at "the bear" to have late lunch/early dinner and watch as much of the game as I can stand to watch with Dad (one hour? ten minutes?).

Marmite Breath said...

Don't you love hearing all the family drama? I love it. It so perfectly balances out all the warm fuzzy gooey family stuff from the holidays. I'm always interested in the "real" aspect of families and ChrismaHannukwaanza.

sg said...

Feel better soon!

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