Monday, March 23, 2009

Last straw

Nope. This is not going to be another whiney post about how my life is too hard, when well, it just isn't. Don't get me wrong, I totally did cry at the park, getting healthy really sucks sometimes and I was devastated when my paper got rejected, but overall? I have got it pretty good, even though my DVD player spins the DVDs too loudly. Can't buy good electronics for $24.99 anymore. fuck.

Anyways, this is about Jon and Kate. Plus Eight. on TLC. Awhile ago I quit watching them because I just wasn't finding the show endearing anymore. Tonight I was flipping through the channels and I saw that Jon and Kate was on, so I decided to watch for a few minutes. They were getting ready to go see the Harlem Globetrotters, and Jon said he had to do some work. Piqued interest. His work was LOOKING AT THE ALLSTATE WEBSITE. what?!?!?!?

That type of "product placement" is annoying enough on Biggest Loser, when they have weirdly staged snack breaks, but for whatever reason, Jon calling that work made me so annoyed that I turned the tv off, but not completely off. Just changed over to DVDs.

Damn. That DVD player is SO freaking LOUD. the incessant whirring.

oh the humanity. the spinny spinny noise of that DVD player. I just need to start getting my porn on iTunes.


Jen L. said...

We've been talking a lot about product placement like that in my arts administration class. We figure they are doing it since more of us have DVR these days and zip through commercials at lightning speed. Friday Night Lights has a deal with Applebee's and they eat there at least once per episode. It annoys me, too.

I'm sorry you cried at the park. I cried on the subway once, if it's any consolation. Hang in there.

Can you get porn on iTunes?

Anonymous said...

I don't think iTunes would have good porn. I think you really should get a VCR for porn anyway, porn on HD is just not right. Tracy

W said...

My dear, you must take a deep yoga breath and try to relax.

I know this, because the very reason that I have been utterly absent of late is because I am feeling very nearly the exact same way as you have been. Why, had I a shiny Samurai sword this past week I might have sliced every single person I came in contact with clean in two.

We are going to feel better soon. We are going to feel better soon. We are going to feel better soon.

DAVs said...

I used to watch, too...before they got their teeth all whitened and Jon had his hair plugs and all that. Now they're just too Hollywood or something like that. Plus I hear/read/see that Kate is a real biyatch.

Fatinah said...

porn on iTunes - that made me laugh out loud!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you are talking about regarding product placement on the Biggest Loser. O.K., I've got to go chew some sugarfree Extra gum. It really helps me with those cravings.

creative kerfuffle said...

hole.e.crap. you can get porn on itunes? better not tell the hubs. and, i used to watch j&k+8 but i got jealous and pissed at all the free trips/vacations etc. they got. i finally blew a gasket when they got a trip to hawaii to do some wedding thing after 10 yrs. really? 10 yrs is nothing (sorry to those of you near the 10 yr mark) and plus kate is just a bitch. those kids--awww, they're 2 cute though. except that maddy girl--she's a brat.
i heard on the radio yesterday that some colorado teacher was selling ads on his class handouts to offset the cost of paper. ads are EVERYWHERE.
***brought to you in part by chick-fil-a

Amy said...

LOL... so true on the product placements! JK+8 is just not real anymore. I can't watch either. Good job picking yourself up...

Astarte said...

I don't like JK8 anymore, either. I watched the initial special, and then the series sometimes, but damn, I can't STAND that woman, so I had to stop watching. She seems like one of those really fake-nice people who is just a terrible person underneath. I don't think I'm jealous, but I do find all the freebies that they get really annoying. I mean, there are jobless, hungry people out there, and JK8 just got a free trip to Hawaii? Just for existing and having procreated? Really??!! Plus, I don't like the idea that they have to create drama/interest out of the children's actual lives. Specials are one thing, a series is another. And what are those older two girls going to think, when basically their whole lives are for and about their siblings? Ugh.

Hmmm... I wonder if Starbucks would like to buy ad space on my ass? It's certainly big enough, and definitely due in part to them...

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

I totally agree with you about product placement, though I just shrug it off. No big deal. Know why I no longer watch Jon & Kate Plus Eight? Word on the street is their marriage is in shambles. He was at some college party hitting on the girls. They squabble and barely talk off set. It's no longer "reality TV" when the reality off screen is drastically different from what happens onscreen. sigh.

grace said...

I think I have the same 25-dollar DVD player, and it is indeed loud as fuck.

DAVs said...

I cut up the raw butternut into chunks and then roast it in a little bit of olive oil with a little salt. It's a lot of work but one squash makes a ton, then I freeze it in "pizza size" servings. It's really delish!
And thanks for your comment...just give me the heads up in you and Mr. P go for third helpings :) OK just kidding.

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