You know how you come home from work, crash on the couch with the mail, then drop it on the floor and kick it under your coffee table?

Then to unwind a little bit, have a quick nosh...

REALLY I am not judgmental of taste, and know that it is an individual your home you should decorate as you see fit, because it is where you snuggle and live and are, without fear of public recrimination on said style. BUT beware, if you shove your mail under your coffee table, or pile crap on top of garbage on top of shot glasses of the United States, I am totally going to take pictures with my phone and put it on my blog.
That all being said, if you come to my house and you think that the rope lights on the kegerator, oar hanging on the wall, or college posters are lame...Mr. P did that.
You mean you didn't take a pic of the maroon shag? All that clutter would drive me nuts.
Honestly that makes me really anxious too look at, I could not spend much time there.
Are those all candles on the coffee table?
Tammy: I did actually, but then decided that was even too bitchy for me.
Tracy: Yes, and in clashing flavors, a definite NO.
Okay... I'm messy... but that's BAD!
that makes me seriously anxious just LOOKING at that. being in that would make me all antsy and itchy.
roflmao. oh, i don't even know where to start w/ this one. but, it does make me paranoid about ever having you over : ) lol. you'd take pics of the garage. where i let the hubs do what he must. like hang neons (not lit) ALL over. and use paint left over from projects to paint the garage. yes, there is a yellow wall and mint green walls. in my garage. there is a red bull mini-fridge (actually comes in handy when we have parties) that he acquired.
You need to anonymously mail her the Oprah episode on her on hoarding. Ew, ew, ew! And I don't even want to think about how filthy the maroon shag is!
BTW my nike+ mini is up, but everything came out black even though I chose colors. And my calibration is wrong because I did not run a 9 minute mile pushing these girls. The paramedics would be doing CPR on me if that was the case! Do you know how to calibrate without having to run again?
Yikes. I agree with Tracy--that makes me anxious just looking at it. But I get anxious if I'm in our living room and can see into the kitchen and see a cabinet door ajar.
So, since you were company over there, that is someone's version of getting ready for company??
DAVs: Ummm. Yeah. There were two rooms we weren't allowed to look it because they were "messy". And there was a Roomba too.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I was kind of ok until you mentioned the Roomba...and then I peed on myself. DEAR GOD. Please tell me you peeked at the "messy" rooms. Wow.
Also, You have a kegerator? You are cool.
help please? what is a kegerator?
CK: It is a refrigerator made especially to hold a keg of beer...draft all the time at home. Yes, we are adults.
OMG!!!! Add a few layers of dirt, and that would be my SIL's house!!! Holy crap!!! That would make me all skeezy! Even knowing that there are houses out there like that makes me want to go and clean them.
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