I love. LOVE. extra love. college football. I graduated from a football school, and happily for me, the same school as my husband, and our daughter attends this school currently. My son will attend (hopefully) next year. As an aside, my sister and her husband graduated from the same school, however, they do not share the same obsessive love we do for this school and its football team. I love the way the RVs start showing up on Wednesday waving the school flags, I love running into old friends while walking across campus...this weekend I ran into a great friend from highschool that I hadn't seen in 15 years...it is my true idea of fellowship. I haven't talked about my views on religion, but from my religious friends they always talk about church and say its more than Jesus, its the fellowship of it all. (I wasn't sure if I misunderstood the term fellowship, so I googled, and found this definition.) As I watched the happenings on campus yesterday I kept thinking...this is 90,000 people gathering for the same purpose...love of their school and of college football, and I like being part of something that big. I know that it isn't some grand noble thing, like being in the armed forces or the peace corps, but I love the feeling just the same.
I also really love professional football...a few years ago I started playing fantasy football, and now Mr.P and I both play and we spend all day on Sundays together talking about football and our players and our opponents.
I hadn't really thought too much about it until this post, but I wonder if my love of football boils down to spending lots of time, and having lots of fun with Mr. P every weekend in the Fall.... who wouldn't want to spend time with this face?
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